Hi there, my name is
Saeed Rezaei
and I leverage Marketing and Technology to achieve sustainable growth.
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About Me

Hi everyone, welcome to my blog! My name is Saeed Rezaei and I'm a digital creator who loves technology Techeed is an abbreviation of the word technology with Saeed. I'm also a website builder and a crypto enthusiast. In this blog, I'll share with you my insights, tips and tricks on how to create amazing websites, make money with crypto and stay updated with the latest tech trends.

I hope you enjoy reading my posts and feel free to leave your comments and feedback. Thanks for visiting

In My Brain


When employees stop challenging the way things are done, because
'that's the way it's always been done'
You are destined to fail.
Saeed Rezaei

My Three e's


Hire the right people, give them the tools to succeed, set clear expectations and goals, then get out of their way.


Keep your team engaged each day by making sure their voice gets heard, their work matters, and by giving access to training and growth opportunities.


We are all human, and work shouldn't be something we hate. Have fun, take risks, kick some butt, and above all respect work-life-balance.

Techeed Social Media

Saeed Rezaei

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